6 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Tennessee has a cave that’s currently sitting at 58 miles of surveyed passage and it’s no longer a secret. It has the potential to hit hit 100. There are numerous other caves that have been surveyed over 1 mile that are not on the list. I enjoy the site and know it’s a work in progress that will never be complete because of the nature of cave exploration and survey.

    1. I know there are many caves not on the long and deep list as posted. I generally wait until getting official data from the project coordinators, state cave surveys, or other sources to add things to the list. I will also update the list when the projects post information on Facebook or other social media. My policy is not to “scoop” official project announcements even if I am aware of them.

      Thanks for checking out the site and good luck on your caving adventures.

    1. Thank you very much. I will make that correction in the next update. I will likely be updating the database on 9/30/2023.

    1. Thank you very much. I’ve put the information into the database and it will be in the next updated list.

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