World Long Caves

Caves with a total length of 10000+ meters (6.241 miles, 32810 feet)

Updated by Paul Burger 1/10/2025

Send updates and corrections to Cavemonpaul at

Copyright 2024 NSS Geo2, Paul Burger NSS 26452, FE, CM

Do not ask for cave locations, I will not give them out.

Type: CT=Chalk & Tufa & Laterite , C=Conglomerate & Schist, G=Gypsum, L=Lava, Q=Sandstone & Quartzite, S=Salt, T=Talus, Boulder & Granite, UW=Underwater

- 1Mammoth Cave System (N.P.) USAKentucky Ed./Hart/Bar. 426.00685581407.2124.1Facebook2022-12
UW2Sistema Ox Bel HaMexico Quintana Roo Tulum 308.7049680418857.3CINDAQ annual project report2024-02
-3Suiyang Shuanghe Dongqun China Guizhou Suiyang 259.544176962992.13912www.grottes-et-karsts-de-chine.org2024-01
UW4Sistema Sac Actun (Nohoch Nah Chich, Aktun Hu) (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 234.07376700391119.18QRSS Long Caves List
- 5Jewel Cave (N.M.) USASouth Dakota Custer 220.50354860.35832.1253.62Adam Weaver email2024-05
- 6Wind Cave (N.P.) USASouth Dakota Custer 167.50269565.1646.8197.2Marc Ohms e-mail 2024-11
G7Optymistychna (Optimisticheskaja) Ukraine Ternopil Borshchiv 164.40264576.154915Marc Ohms FB
- 8The Clearwater System (Gua Air Jernih) Malaysia Sarawak Mulu 155.102559341165355.1Rob Eavis2023-03
- 9Lechuguilla Cave (C.C.N.P.) USANew Mexico Eddy 152.112447901588.6484.2Max Wissak email2023-01
- 10Fisher Ridge Cave System USAKentucky Hart 134.20215908.8366.44111.7Chip Hopper e-mail 2024-05
- 11Sistema del Alto Tejuelo Spain Cantabria Porracolina 131.702120202053.8626Dick Hermans email2024-11
- 12Hoelloch Switzerland Schwyz Muotatal 130.202095973389.11033
- 13Siebenhengste-hohgant Hoehlensystem Switzerland Bern Eriz/Beat./Ha. 102.221645004396.31340Email2009-07
14Schönberg-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeStmk/OÖ97.521569423481.01061Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 15Sistema del Mortillano Spain Cantabria Porra de Mortillano 91.961480033116.8950Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2024-11
G16OzernaUkraine Ternopil Borshchiv 87.3014049011535Vyacheslav Apostolyuk 2017-09
17Schwarzmooskogel-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark85.591377463645.01111Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 18Bullita Cave System (Burke's Back Yard) Australia Northern Territory Judbarra-Gregory National Park80.5912970075.523Mark Sefton e-mail 2024-03
- 19Sistema del Gandara Spain Cantabria Porracolina 73.941190002670.6814Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2024-02
20HirlatzhöhleAustria DachsteinOberösterreich73.221178405118.11560Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 21Reseau Felix Trombe / Henne-Morte France Haute-Garonne Coume Ouarnede 72.8611726332941001Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
- 22Toca da Boa Vista Brazil Bahia Campo Formoso 70.8411400016450As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 23Marosakabe System Madagascar Mahajaanga Soalala 70.2311301916450
- 24Helms DeepUSATennessee Perry 70.12112847.218656.7Hal Love email2025-01
UW25Entrada Boca Paila Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 69.071111528826.8QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 26Systeme de Ojo Guarena Spain Burgos Merindad de Sotoscueva 68.97111000633.2193Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-06
UW27Sistema K'oox Baal - Sistema Tux Kupaxa (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 64.06103100112.934.4QRSS Long Caves List
- 28Sistema Purificacion Mexico Tamaulipas Villa Hidalgo 62.941012983133.2955 Peter Sprouse message2023-05
- 29Sistema Huautla Mexico Oaxaca Huautla de Ji. 62.281002335118.11560Tommy Shifflett & Bill Steele FB 2017-06
G30Zolushka Ukraine / Moldova Briceni/Cernivci Nowoselyzja 57.22920809854Igor Teleshman e-mail
- 31Sistema Cheve (Cuicateco) Mexico Oaxaca Cuicatlan 56.50909245016.41538Bill Stone email2025-01
- 32Sima del Hayal de Ponata-Rebollar II (SI-44,SI-57,SR-7) Spain Araba/Bizkaia/Burgos Sierra Salvada/Gorobel M. 55.92900001479.7451Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-03
- 33Great Savannah Cave System USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 55.0188530.1550.6167.8Nick Socky email2024-10
- 34Gouffre de la Pierre Saint Martin - gouffre des Partages France / Spain Pyrenees-Atlantiques Pierre Saint Martin 54.758811146261410Jose Luis Membrado email2025-01
- 35Three Counties System United Kingdom England Northern Dales 53.8286619830.1253Wookey e-mail 2021-09
- 36Barenschacht Switzerland Bern Beatenberg 53.45860263211.9979Rolf Siegenthaler e-mail 2009-07
- 37Friars Hole Cave System USAWest Virginia Green./Pocoho. 52.5684587.1613186.84Bill Storage email2024-03
- 38Complesso del Monte Canin Italy Friuli Venezia Giulia Chiusafoete 52.078380036681118Francesco Serafin e-mail 1999-07
- 39Fort Stanton Cave USANew Mexico Lincoln 51.7483267.5567172.8Lee H.Skinner e-mail 2024-10
- 40Sistema de los Cuatro (4) Valles Spain Cantabria Solorzano 47.8076908357.6194Juan Corrin email2024-08
- 41Complesso del Monte Corchia (Fighiera,Farol.)- Su Palu Italy Toscana Alpi Apuane 47.22760003894.41187Guido Baroncni Turricchia e-mail 2009-07
- 42Bulmer Caverns ( Castle Keep - Gormenghast) New Zealand South Island Mt Owen 46.18743162477755Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2016-09
- 43Cova des Pas de Vallgornera Spain Balearics Llucmajor 46.137424268.921Jose Luis Membrado e-mail
- 44Binkley's Cave System USAIndiana Harrison 46.1074190.814042.67Gary Roberson e-mail 2024-09
- 45Reseau de l'Alpe France Isere / Savoie Chartreuse 44.93723002149655Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
UW46Wakulla Cave System USAFlorida Leon/Wakulla 44.8372171350106.68Casey McKinlay e-mail 2023-04
- 47Hellhole System USAWest Virginia Pendleton 43.6070167.4737224.64GVKS 2020-02
- 48Ogof Draenen United Kingdom Wales Monmouthshire 2016-01
- 49Double Bopper Cave USAArizona Coconino 42.7068719618188.37Jason Ballensky e-mail 2024-11
- 50Complesso della Valle del Nose Italy Lombardia Pian del Tivano 42.43682881870.1570Andrea Maconi e-mail 2017-06
- 51San Wang Dong China Chongqing Wulong 42.15678251125.3343Descent 231 2016-05
- 52Botovskaya Russia Lrkutsk Sredne 42.1067747131.240Alexander Osinzev e-mail
53Dachstein-MammuthöhleAustria DachsteinOberösterreich42.07677013960.01207Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 54Whigpistle System USAKentucky Edmonson 41.7667206.231495.71Joel Despain e-mail 2024-07
55Dingo Caves SystemAustralia Northern Territory Judbarra-Gregory National Park41.0166000Mark Sefton e-mail 2024-03
L 56Kazumura CaveUSAHawaii Hawaii 40.70655003613.81101.5HSS Newsletter N9P7 2016-06
-57Grotte de Saint-Marcel France Ardeche Bas-Vivarais 40.08645001066.3325Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
- 58Blue Spring Cave USATennessee White 40.0064373.7630793.57Jason Riichards e-mail 2016-10
- 59Jamski sustav Crnopac Croatia Juzni Velebit Crnopac 39.60637462723.1830Aida Barisic 2024-10
- 60Carlsbad Cavern (C.C.N.P.) USANew Mexico Eddy 39.5063569.091035315.47Vidio on liine 2019-12
- 61Organ Cave System USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 38.4561882.5486148.13WVASS Database 2016-05
UW62Arresteliako ziloa(Souffleur de Larrandaburu) France Pyre. Atlantiques/Navarr Pierre Saint Martin 37.87609432740835Die langsten Unterwasserholensysteme der Welt 2019-04
- 63Ogof Ffynnon Ddu United Kingdom Wales Powys 37.68606441015.4309.5- 2021-10
UW64Sistema Xunaan Ha (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 37.5660445110.933.8QRSS Long Caves List 2015-02
- 65Cueva del Valle (Red Del Silencio) Spain Cantabria Vizcaya/Cantabria 37.42602231646.98502Jose Luis Membrado email2023-06
66LamprechtsofenAustria Leoganger SteinbergeSalzburg37.28600005666.01727Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 67Gouffre de Padirac France Lot Causse de Gramat 36.66590001033.5315Jean-Yves Bigot 2019-04
C 68Bol'shaja Oreshnaja (Conglomerate) Russia Russia Kransnojarsk 36.0458000787.4240International Caver 2000 P78 2017-06
69Prometheus Cave SystemAustralia Northern Territory Judbarra-Gregory National Park35.4257000Mark Sefton e-mail 2024-03
- 70Kap-Kutan/Promezhutochnaja Turkmenistan Turkistan Gissarsko-Ala. 35.42570001017.1310RSIC 2019-09
- 71Grotte de la Luire France Drome Vercors 34.91561821906.2581Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
- 72Sistema de Atxuriaga (Complex) Spain Bizkaia Galdames 34.80560001791.3546Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2016-10
- 73Systeme du Granier France Isere / Savoie Chartreuse 34.63557252083.3635Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
- 74Reseau de la Dent de Crolles France Isere Chartreuse 34.43554072263.8690Buchaly, Waldbrener 2019-04
- 75Mamo Kananda Papua New Guinea Southern Highland Muller Range 34.05548001732.3528Atlas Des Grandes Cavites Mondia. 2016-01
- 76Gr. Caverna de Palmarito Cuba Pinar del Rio S. de Vinales 33.555400000Info CREI 2001 N10 2017-06
- 77Teng Long Dong China Hubei Lichuan 33.06532101128.6344Zhi Quin FB 2022-06
- 78Jianghou Dixachanglang China Guangxi Fengshan 32.98530701128.6344 2016-08
G79MlynkyUkraine Ternopil Chortkiv 2019-01
- 80System Amaterskej a Punkevni Jesky. Czech Rep. Moravia Ostrov 32.1351707695.5212Jan Sirotek e-mail 2024-01
81Gamslöcher-Kolowrat-HöhlensystemAustria UntersbergSalzburg31.52507213763.11147Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 82Benarat Caverns System (lubang Benerat) Malaysia Sarawak Mulu 31.4850669380.6116Mulu Caves Project 2019-08
UW83Sistema Pool Tunich (Under Water + Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 31.325040178.724QRSS Long Caves List
- 84Sistema de Anielarra (Anialarra) Spain Nafarroa Larra 31.20501612798.6853Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2025-01
- 85Crevice Cave USAMissouri Perry 31.175017418255.5Chad McCain e-mail 2024-01
- 86Pestera Vantului Romania Bihor Mtii Padurea Craiului 31.0750000557.7170Liviu Valenas e-mail 2017-04
L 87Delissea Cave System USAHawaii Hawaii 31.01499003763.11147Peter Bosted e-mail 2023-12
- 88Trou qui souffle France Isere Vercors 30.63493002198.2670Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2019-04
- 89Sistema Itxina'pe Sarea Spain Bizkaia Gorbea 30.544915000Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2016-10
- 90Trou du Garde / Creux de la Cavale France Savoie Les Deserts 30.1248476987.5301Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
UW91Sistema Toh Ha Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 29.67477464212.8QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 92Sistema Aranonera (Sima S1-S2)(Tendenera connected) Spain Huesca Pirineos 29.52475004425.91349Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2024-01
- 93Scott Hollow Cave USAWest Virginia Monroe 29.5047475.65571174.04WVASS Spring Meeting 2016-05
- 94Omega System USAVirginia Wise 29.4347362.991263384.96Mike Ficco e-mail 2016-06
- 95Er Wang Dong China Chongqing Wulong 2017-04
-96Sistema Garra de Jaguar (Jaguar Claw) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 29.264708800QRSS Long Caves List 2021-11
- 97Memorial Day Cave USAWest Virginia Pendleton 29.0346719.26579.2176.54GVKS 2020-12
-98Reseau des Chuats France Drome Vercors 28.87464681207.3368Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 99Santo Tomas (gran caverna de) Cuba Pinar del Rio S. de Quemadas 28.584600000The NSS News V57N10P300 1999-10
100Frauenmauer-Langstein-HöhlensystemAustria HochschwabSteiermark28.05451432270.3692Lukas Plan email2024-06
-101Grotte de la Diau France Haute Savoie Parmelan 27.96450002362.2720Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
102Kolkbläser-Monsterhöhle-SystemAustria Steinernes MeerSalzburg27.64444872332.7711Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 103Cumberland Caverns (Saltpeter) USATennessee Warren 27.6244443.6420060.96Charles Cole 1992-03
C 104Migovec (Vrtnarija) System (M-16) Slovenia Primorska zaledje Tolminke 27.08435883189972Marko Erker e-mail
- 105Demanovsky jaskynny system Slovakia Nizke Tatry Demanovske vrchy 26.7443036643196Pavel Herich e-mail 1999-04
- 106Tham Khoun Dori - Houay Sai System Cave Laos Khammouane Ban Na 26.1542077853260Charles Ghommidh e-mail 2009-07
- 107Moore Cave System (Berome & Tom) USAMissouri Perry 26.1442077.814744.81Chad McCain e-mail 2024-01
L 108Kipuka Kanohina Cave (Kula Kai Caverns) USAHawaii Hawaii 26.1042010944.9288Kanohina Data Manager - Tomislav Gracanin e-mail 2019-06
- 109Pestera din Poienita-Pestera dein Dealul Humpleu Romania Alba Mtii Bihor 26.10420001026.9313Victor Ursu info 2020-03
G110Scialet de les Nuits Blanches - Superieur du clos d'Aspres France Isere Vercors 26.104200034971066Le Karst Du Gypse, Jean Yves Bigot Page 86-87 2002-07
111EisriesenweltAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg26.10420001450.1442Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 112Cueva del Tecolote Mexico Tamaulipas Villa Hidalgo 25.15404751391.1424Mark Minton e-mail 2016-05
- 113Sistema de las Fuentes de Escuain (Badalona B15-B1) Spain Huesca Escuain 24.99402173776.21151Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2022-12
- 114Sloans Valley Cave System USAKentucky Pulaski 24.6439654.2424073.15The International Caver N19P23 1997-05
- 115Silberensystem (Schwyzerschacht) Switzerland Schwyz Muotatal 24.32391442914.7888.4List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2009-07
UW116Sistema Zapote - Camilo Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 24.243900491.928QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 117Sistemul Humpleu-Poienita Romania Cluj Mtii Bihor 24.23390001030.2314Romania-Natural 2022-03
- 118Chiquibul Cave System (Cebaba & Actun Tunkul) Belize Mt Junea West Chiquibul 24.2339000524.9160Tom Miller e-mail 2016-01
- 119Sistema Illaminako (BU.56 - A.60) Spain Navarra Larra 24.20389134396.31340Jose Luis Membrado email2024-11
- 120Xanadu Cave System USATennessee Fentress 24.0638724.0422769.19Tenn.Cave Survey 2015-02
- 121Cueva la Vallina (VT.100) Spain Cantabria Arredondo 23.9838591646.3197Juan Corrin email2024-08
- 122Qikengdong China Chongqing Wulong 23.95385463346.51020 2016-08
- 123Jiangzhou Dongxuexitong China Guangxi Fengshan 2017-04
- 124Nettlebed Cave System (Blizzard Pot top entrance,Stormy Pot) New Zealand South Island Mt Arthur 23.77382523851.71174Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2022-08
- 125Sistema de Pan de Azucar Cuba Pinar del Rio S.del Rosario 23.613800000The NSS News V57N10P300 1999-10
- 126Cueva de los Chorros Spain Albacete Riopar 23.6038000426.5130Jose Luis Membrado eamil2024-10
- 127Sistema Cuetzalan - Atepolihuit Mexico Puebla Curtzalan 23.41376762158.8658Mark Minton e-mail 2016-06
- 128Sistema Cueto-Coventosa-Cubera-Garma Bucebrón-Corzo Spain Cantabria Porracolina 23.15372582719.8829Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-01
- 129The Hole (Boggs Cave) USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 23.0037019.7422568.58Bill Balfour 1991-09
- 130Gouffre Berger - Gouffre de la Fromagere France Isere Vercors 22.993700043411323
- 131Sistema Lecherines Spain Huesca Macizo de Aspe 22.99370003310.41009Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-12
- 132Coral Cave System USAKentucky Pulaski 22.5636306.8340103.63Lee Florea e-mail 2015-02
- 133Sugar Run Cave System USAVirginia Giles 22.5536291718218.85VSS 2015-02
- 134Complesso dei Piani Eterni Italy Veneto Dolomiti BL 22.47361603451.41052Francesco Sauro e-mail 2020-10
- 135Lost River Cave System USAIndiana Orange 22.2035727.449428.65Long cave list for Indiana, Indiana Cave Survey 2017-03
- 136Lilburn Cave (N.P.) USACalifornia Tulare 22.1735679508154.84Jed Mosenfelder e-mail 2019-01
137TantalhöhleAustria HagengebirgeSalzburg22.07355201427.2435Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 138Chestnut Ridge Cave System USAVirginia Bath 22.0635507813.6248BCCS 2019-10
- 139Complesso di Piaggia Bella Italy Piemonte Marguareis 22.06355003152.9961http://www.Class.del.g.piulunghe/profon.d'Italia 2009-07
- 140Xia, Qikeng, Lanmu Shu, Miao Keng, Xiaogu Chi. Dongba Dong China Chongqing Wulong 22.053547933461020LIU JIA e-mail 2019-04
- 141Cueva de Udias Spain Cantabria - 21.873519600Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-11
- 142Complesso della Carcaraia (Abisso Saragato) Italy Toscana Alpi Apuane 21.75350003690.91125Speleologia N68P102-103 2009-07
- 143Reseau du Verneau France Doubs Deservillers 21.75350001269.7387Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 144Reseau Andre Lachambre (grotte d'Embulla) France Pyrenees-Orientales Conflent 21.7535000242.874D'apres Christophe Levillain 2017-06
- 145Toca da Barriguda Brazil Bahia - 21.7535000200.161As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 146Mesacny tien Slovakia Vysoke Tatry Javorinska Siroka 21.74349941479.7451Branislav šmida 1999-04
- 147Greenlink - Middle Earth System New Zealand South Island Takaka Hill 21.69349021276.2389Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2020-06
- 148Sistema Azpilicueta-Coteron-Renada (Sistema de la Vega) Spain Cantabria Ruesga 21.61347831112.2346Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-04
- 149Sistema de la Pena de Mediodia Spain Huesca Pirineos 21.57347072959.3902Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-04
- 150Mawandong China Guizhou Zhengan 21.54346571820.9555 2015-02
- 151Atea Kananda Papua New Guinea Southern Highland Muller Range 21.44345001148.3350The British Caver V94-95 2017-06
- 152Sistema Oztotl (Rosetta-Tepetzala) Mexico Puebla - 21.24341882880.6878 2019-03
- 153Majaguas-Cantera (sis.caverna.) Cuba Pinar del Rio San Carlo 21.133400000The International Caver 2017-06
- 154Hidden River System (Hicks Cave) USAKentucky Hart 21.1033957.1616048.77Carbide Caver V7I10P111 1998-10
- 155Culverson Creek Cave System USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 20.9333680.35329100.28WVASS Database 2016-06
- 156Blue Spring Cave USAIndiana Lawrence 20.9033635.2914042.67Long cave list for Indiana, Indiana Cave Survey 2017-03
UW157Sistema Nohoch Kai Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 20.82335058525.9QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
-158Reseau de Bunant France Haute Savoie Parmelan 20.82335001213.9370Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 159Ellis Basin System (Tomo Thyme, Exhaleair, & Exhalibur) New Zealand South Island Mt Arthur 20.75334003366.11026Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2022-05
- 160Honey Creek Cave USATexas Comal 20.6933295124.337.9Texas Speleological Survey via Jerry Atkinson e-mail 2022-01
- 161Ogof Agen Allwedd United Kingdom Wales Powys, Monmouthshire 20.3832800524.9160-
- 162Carroll Cave USAMissouri Camden 20.313268622468.28Bob Lerch e-mail 2019-03
G163Reseau des Grottes aux Fees Switzerland Vallorbe Vaud 20.2932657744.8227List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2009-07
- 164Terikan System (Rising, East, West) Malaysia Sarawak Mulu 20.243257200Mulu Caves Project 2019-08
- 165Reseau de Coufin-Chevaline France Isere Vercors 20.07323011394.4425Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 166Gap Cave System (Cudjo's) (C.G.N.H.P.) USAVirginia Lee 19.8832000491149.66Bob Gulden (CRF) 2019-04
- 167Puerto Princesa Subterranean River (St.Pauls Underground River Cave) Philippines Palawan Island Palawan 19.8832000328.1100Wikipedia
168KlarahöhleAustria SengsengebirgeOberösterreich19.58315151548.6472Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 169Kihaje Xontjoa Mexico Oaxaca Cerro Rabon P. 19.49313734012.51223 2016-06
- 170Grotta di Monte Cucco Italy Umbria Monte Cucco 19.45313003047.9929Class.del.g.piu lunghe/profon.d'Italia 2009-07
- 171Systeme Prerouge - Litorne France Savoie Bauges 19.44312921666.7508Jose Luis e-mail 2015-02
- 172Krem Liat Prah/Um IM/Labbit M /RUBONG India Meghalaya Jaintia Hills 19.443127900Descent N275P15
173Verborgene Höhle Austria Totes GebirgeOberösterreich19.24309561197.5365Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 174Nunley Mtn.Cave System (Maria Angela Grotto) USATennessee Grundy 19.0030577.5372113.4Julianne Ramsey email2025-01
- 175Baradla-Domica Hungary  Aggtelek Karst 18.9330466380.6116Peter Gruber e-mail 2017-06
176Berger-Platteneck-HöhlensystemAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg18.89303964235.61291Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 177Szepvolgyi System (Pal-volgy Cave) Hungary Budapest - 18.7030100403.5123International Journal of Speleology 44(2) 2016-05
178Grießkar-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeStmk/OÖ18.47297242555.8779Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 179Complesso del Releccio Alfredo Bini (W Le Donne) Italy Lombardia Grigna. Settentrionale 18.39296004307.71313Andrea Maconi e-mail 2009-07
- 180Tham Nam Non System Laos Khammouane Thakhek 18.332950000Caves of Malaysia 2009-07
- 181Bettenhohle Switzerland Obwalden Kerns 18.32294842637.8804 2009-07
- 182Windy Mouth (Wind) Cave USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 18.1129145.2220060.96Nick Sockiy FB 2021-12
- 183Butler-Sinking Creek System USAVirginia Bath 18.0629064.75644.3196.38Tont Canike email 2016-09
184ÖtscherhöhlensystemAustria ÖtscherNiederösterreich17.78286082171.9662Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 185Reseau de Francheville France Cote-d'Or Francheville 17.7328530557.7170Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 186Sistema de Tepepa (Ehecatl+Niebla) Mexico Puebla - 17.71285003175.9968Desent 209 2016-09
UW187Sistema Caterpillar Mexico Quintana Roo Felipe Carrillo Puerto 17.562825388.927.1QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
-188Fitton (Beauty) Cave USAArkansas Newton 17.5028163.5289.995.4Scott House e-mail 2004-02
189Kuchlberg-HöhlensystemAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg17.47281082529.5771Lukas Plan email2024-06
190Jägerbrunntrog-HöhlensystemAustria HagengebirgeSalzburg17.41280263536.71078Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 191Ogof Daren Cilau System United Kingdom Wales Powys, Monmouthshire 2016-01
- 192V5 Sistemul Varasoaia (V5-V24) Romania Bihor Mtii Bihor 17.40280002142.4653Alex Pologea e-mal 2017-04
- 193Old Homestead Cave Australia Western Australia Nullarbor Plain 17.402800000International Caver No.7 2017-06
- 194Thornhill Cave System USAKentucky Breckenridge 17.2327732.2200Arron Reed Louisville Grotto e-mail 2016-01
- 195Coldwater Cave USAIowa Winneshiek 17.0127366.898024.38Larry Welch e-mail 2016-07
- 196Big Bat Cave USAKentucky Breckenridge 16.9527278.05185.7856.63Joe Walko email2024-01
- 197Kingsdale Master Cave System United Kingdom England North Yorkshire
- 198Green Cathedral/Turtle Cave System Malaysia Sarawak Gunung Buda 16.7626971997.4304NSS News V62N8P225
- 199Reseau de Lachambre - Estacio Vella France Pyrenees-Orientales Conflent 16.6626815242.874Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
UW200Sistema Sand Crack (Underwater) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 16.622674658.117.7QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
UW201Sistema Sand Crack Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 16.62267465817.7QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
-202Reseau Jean Bernard France Haute Savoie Haute-Giffre 16.582668552561625Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 203Reseau de Fuilla - Canalettes France Pyrenees-Orientales Conflent 16.4726500259.279Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 204Sistema Tibia-Fresca Spain Cantabria Porracolina 16.40264001663.4507Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-11
- 205Bigfoot Cave USACalifornia Siskiyou 16.2526151.841205367.28Scott Linn e-mail 2016-10
206AhnenschachtAustria Totes GebirgeOberösterreich16.25261482057.1627Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 207Powell's Cave System USATexas Menard 16.2526145.57924.08Texas Speleological Survey via Jerry Atkinson e-mail 2021-10
- 208Baradla barlang-Domica jaskyna ?? Slovakia / Hungary Slovak / Aggtelek Karst Kecovo - Josvafo 16.2026065380.6116P.Bella - P.Gruber e-mail 1988-10
209Almberg-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark16.1926053990.8302Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 210Systeme Biolles - Squelettes - Crolleurs France Savoie Margeriaz 16.16260011939591Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 211Gran Sistema Cavernaio de Fuentes Cuba Pinae del Rio Sierra de Mesa 16.162600000The International Caver #8 2017-06
- 212Perdidos (sis.cavernario de los) Cuba Pinar del Rio S. del Roario 16.162600000Speleolgia 2017-05
- 213Rumbling Falls Cave. USATennessee Van Buren 16.0925895.95474144.48Marion O.Smith per TCS 2015-02
- 214Mystery Cave System USAMissouri Perry 15.8425495.2315045.72M.S.S. Walsh 2015-02
UW215Sistema Nohoch Pek - Muk K'in (Underwater) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 15.81254376118.6QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
216Labyrinthhöhle im Eisernen BerglAustria WarscheneckOberösterreich15.77253862529.5771Lukas Plan email2024-06
Q 217Krem Puri (Sandstone) India Meghalaya Khasi Hills 15.732531798.430Descent N275P15
218DÖF-Sonnenleiter-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark15.70252733582.71092Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 219Tjoarvekrajgge Norway Nordland Sorfold 15.64251671630.6497Torstein Finnesand e-mail 2016-06
UW220Sistema Nohoch Pek - Muk K'in Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 15.63251606118.6QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 221Fern Cave (597) USAAlabama Jackson 15.6325154.05536163.37Fern Cave Project 2017-06
- 222Gouffre Lonne-Peyret (Reseau des Arres Planeres) France Pyrenees-Atlantiques Pierre Saint Martin 15.59250862648807Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 223Mountain Eye Cave System (Saltpeter) USATennessee Fentress 15.5925084.8428085.34Tenn. Cave Survey 1987-03
- 224Sistema Buso della Rana / Pisarela Italy Veneto Faedo-Casaron 15.5625033738.2225Class.del.g.piu lunghe/profon.d'Italia 2009-07
- 225Complejo de Orbaneja del Castillo Spain Burgos - 15.532500000Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-01
- 226Torca del Regato Calero Spain Cantabria - 15.53250001148.3350Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2020-08
- 227Pestera Topolnita (Sistemul Topolnita-Epuran) Romania Mehedinti Podisul Mehedinti 15.5325000416.7127Romania-Natural 2020-04
G228Krasnaya (Kyzyl-Toba) (Qizil Qoba) Ukraine Crimea - 15.1824430656.2200Inced O. e-mail 2016-01
L 229Hualalai Ranch Cave USAHawaii Hawaii 15.05242171449.1441.7Doug Medville e-mail 2016-03
- 230Cave Creek Cave System USAKentucky Pulaski 15.0124156.2517051.82COG Squeaks 2016-05
- 231Groaning Cave USAColorado Garfield 15.0024140.1614945.42Derek Bristol e-mail 2016-08
- 232Foglepole Cave USAIllinois Monroe 15.0024140.1600NSS News V56N4P114 1998-04
- 233Postojnska jama Slovenia Notranjska Postojnski kras 14.9924120377.3115 2022-06
- 234Illyuzia-Mezhonnogo-Snezhnaya Georgia Abkhazia West Caucasus 14.96240805774.31760Web 2016-08
- 235Gouffre Nebele France Pyrenees-Atlantiques Aquitaine 14.94240381558.4475Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 236Clearwell Caves (Part Mine) United Kingdom England Gloucestershire 2017-06
- 237Torca de la Vaca - Wild Mare Spain Cantabria Entrambasaguas 14.8623914219.867Juan Corrin e-mail 2021-01
- 238Benedicts (Persinger) Cave USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 14.8523898.7625477.42WVASS Database 2016-06
- 239Sistema Soconusco - Aire Fresco Mexico Chiapas - 14.82238562076.8633-
- 240jaskinia Wielka Sniezna Poland Czerwone Wierchy Malolaczniak 14.74237232703.4824 2021-02
- 241Akkado Japan Iwate - 14.732370000- 2016-05
- 242Akkado (Akiyoshido) Japan Iwate - 14.732370000-
- 243Stratenska jaskyna - Psie diery ?? Slovakia Spissko-gemersky Slovensky raj 1988-10
- 244Big Horn - Horsethief Cave System USAWyoming / Montana Bighorn 14.6223520.5617152.12Even Gehring e-mail 2015-02
- 245Bojian China Guizhou Zunyi Shi 14.52233601935.7590 2016-08
246Kolkina CaveBulgariaSofia Province14.5023297.001840.6561Elfi Hristova email2024-04
- 247Cueva Guerta Spain Asturias Pena Biguere 14.472329400Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-01
-248Systeme de Foussoubie France Ardeche Bas-Vivarais 14.4623266452.8138Xavier Robert e-mail 2019-04
- 249Cueva del Soplao Spain Cantabria Sierra de Arnero 14.452325300Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2019-10
250Sistema Crustacea Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 14.4123183CINDAQ annual project report2024-02
251Interessante HöhleAustria HagengebirgeSalzburg14.35230952096.5639Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 252Cueva Coyolat Mexico Puebla Tlacotepec 14.29230002034.1620Gustavo e-mail AMCS#29 2016-05
- 253Complesso Fiume-Vento Italy Marche Frasassi 14.2923000803.8245http://www.Class.del.g.piulunghe/profon.d'Italia 2009-07
- 254Cuevas de Bellamar Cuba Matanzas - 14.292300000 2016-10
- 255Mini - Martin Cave - Exit Cave Australia Tasmania Ida Bay 14.2923000721.8220Sherry Juneo 2017-06
- 256Sistema de Cubija (North Vega System) Spain Cantabria Matienzo 14.2622949482.3147Juan Corrin e-mail 2023-01
- 257Grotte de Neuvon France Cote-d'Or Plom.-les-Dij. 14.2622949114.835Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 258Rimstone River Cave USAMissouri Perry 14.2022852.6814042.67M.S.S. Walsh 2015-02
259BurgunderschachtAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark14.16227952782.2848Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 260Bone - Norman Cave System USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 14.1222720.7218656.69Bill Douty e-mail 1997-12
- 261Conjunto Sao Mateus/Imbira Brazil Goias Sao Domingos 14.062263000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
G262Kryshtaleva (Kristal'naja)Ukraine Ternopil Borshchiv 2017-09
- 263Grotta della Bigonda Italy Trentino A.A. Alt.di Asingo 14.04226001476.4450Class.del.g.piu lunghe/profon.d'Italia 2017-06
- 264Riesending-Schachthohle Germany Bavaria Untersgberg Mtns. 14.04226003769.71149Thomas Matthalm e-mail 2019-08
- 265Grotte d'Arphidia France Pyrenees-Atlantiques Pierre Saint Martin 14.03225752336712Jean-Yves Bigot 2016-01
- 266Pleasant Ridge Cave USATennessee Cannon 14.0122551.74340103.63Hal Love email2016-12
- 267Jenolan System Australia NSW - 13.9822503347.8106Mark Sefton e-mail 2016-07
- 268Gouffre de Cabrespine (lo Gaugnas) France Aude Montagne Noire 13.98225001653.5504Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 269Baishui Dong China Guizhou Jiang Kou 13.952245000 2016-08
UW270Sistema Ponderosa (Under Water & Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 13.772216793.228.4QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 271Pestera din Pârâul Hodobanei Romania Bihor Mtii Bihor 13.7622142593.8181Liviu Valenas e-mail 2022-03
- 272Abisso Bueno Fonteno Italy Lombardia Fonteno 13.672200000Speleologia N68P102-103 2016-06
-273Rèseau de la Falconette France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Bas-Bugey 13.67220001023.6312Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 274Sistema del Hoyon de Saco(Sistema del Hoyo Grande) Spain Cantabria Porracolina 13.55218001738.8530Clasificacion Por Desnivel 2016-07
- 275Krem Tyngheng/Diengjem India Meghalaya Jaintia Hills 13.532177500Descent 243 P33 2017-06
- 276Sistema del Rio Encantado Puerto Rico - Florida,Ciales,Manati 13.53217701128.6344Mark Minton e-mail
- 277Krem KotSati/Um Lawan India Meghalaya Jaintia Hills 13.3821530705.4215Indian Sub Coninent Longest/Deepest Limestone Caves 3/13 2009-07
- 278Castleguard Cave Canada Alberta Rockies 13.24213111259.8384Canada Long and Deep Caves Assembled by Pat Shaw 2022-08
- 279Jaskyna Mrtvych netopierov ?? Slovakia Nizke Tatry Dumbier 1988-10
- 280Tham Pha Soung System (Tham Hay) Laos Khammouane Ban Phondou 13.0621012232.971Liviu Valenas e-mail 2009-07
- 281Gaping Gill System United Kingdom England Northern Dales 2018-02
- 282Abisso Paolo Roversi Italy Toscana Alpi Apuane 13.05210004461.91360web 2022-01
- 283Perte de Massar France Aveyron Causse de Limogne 13.0521000393.7120Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 284Rèseau Pleurachat-Doria France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Prealpes 13.0020924941.6287Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 285De Gamile Chine Xao (Chjine Xjo, Xine Xao) Mexico Oaxaca - 13.00210001080330Chris Andrews2019-03
L 286Emesine Cave (1881 System) USAHawaii Hawaii 12.8920744.41433.1436.8Don Coons e-mail 2016-03
- 287Cloud Cave - Cobra Cave - Bridge System Malaysia Sarawak Mulu 12.82206321082.7330Mulu Caves Project 2021-10
- 288Mystery Cave System USAMinnesota Fillmore 12.7920583.5110130.78Minnesota Speleology 1987-08
- 289Pielklieng-Sielkan Pouk river cave India Meghalaya Jaintia Hills 12.752052200Descent N275P15 2009-07
- 290Selminum Tem Papua New Guinea Western Prov. Hindenburg Rng 12.7420500449.5137B.C.R.A. Bulletin
- 291Baradla-Barlang Hungary Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Aggtelek Karst; 2017-06
- 292Anvil Cave (279) USAAlabama Morgan 12.6720385.565115.54Alabama Cave Survey 1980-04
- 293Gradys (Mammoth River) Cave System USAKentucky Hart 12.6020277.7312036.58Carbide Caver V7I9P111 1998-10
- 294Sistemul Ciur - Ponor - Toplita de Rosia Romania Bihor Mtii Padurea Craiului 12.5220150748228Victor Ursu e-mal 2021-10
- 295Grotte d'En Gorner France Pyrenees-Orientales Conflent 12.4920100137.842Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 296Cave system of Crnelsko brezno Slovenia Julian Alps Rombonski Podi 12.47200664570.21393Peter Svete e-mail 2021-10
-297Cueva del TorneroSpain GuadalajaraAlto Tajo12.432000000Jose Luis Membrado e-mail20223-04
- 298Aven Noir France Aveyron Grands Causses 12.4320000557.7170Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 299Reseau Fanges - Paradet France Pyrenees-Orientales Fenouilledes 12.2819763990.8302Bernard Ournie e-mail 2021-05
- 300Dry Cave USANew Mexico Eddy 12.2219669.427985.04Stan Allison via Pete 2016-03
- 301SchrattenHoehle Switzerland Obwalden Kerns 12.21196451879.9573 2009-07
- 302Stagebarn Crystal Cave USASouth Dakota Meade 12.1519553.5383.6116.92Derek Wolfe e-mail 2023-11
303Woising-HöhlensystemAustria Totes GebirgeStmk/OÖ12.13195292194.9669Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 304Ellisons Cave USAGeorgia Walker 12.1319516.511063324Georgia Underground V24N1 1987-03
- 305Lingshandong China Guizhou Zhengan 11.99193011591.2485Long Caves in China by Erin Lynch 2016-01
- 306Torca de los Corrales del Trillo (Sistema Pena del Trillo-La Tramasquera) Spain Cantabria / Burgos - 11.99193001430.4436Clasificacion Por Desnivel 2016-07
- 307Wit Tamdoun Morocco Agadir Immouzer 11.891912800Caves & Caving I84
- 308Sistema del Faro-Isla de Mona Puerto Rico Isla de Mona Mayaguez 11.8719100118.136Marc Ohms e-mail 2017-04
- 309Borne aux Cassots France Jura Nevy-sur-Seile 11.8519072472.4144Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 310Ariadne Cave System Hungary Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén North-Central Mountains 2017-06
- 311Feihu Dong China Hunan Longshan 11.81190001115.5340 2015-02
- 312Cueva del Nacimiento Spain Cantabria Picos de Europa 11.80189251758.2536Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2024-12
- 313Rede Toneyo Spain Asturias Macizo del Cornion 11.79189702014.4614List of Spains Longest & Deepest (WWW) 1998-04
- 314Hang khe Rhy Vietnam Quang Binh Phong Nha-Ke Bang 11.7618920393.7120Peter MacNab e-mail 2008-07
UW315Cathedral-Falmouth System USAFlorida Suwannee 11.7418893.7429.1130.8Andrew Pitkin e-mail 2022-01
- 316Cueva del Hoyo Salcedillo Spain Cantabria Porracolina 11.68188001745.4532Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2015-02
- 317Russell Cave (N.M.) (169) USAAlabama Jackson 11.6118675.71405.8123.7Jason Richards 2017-11
- 318Wells Cave USAKentucky Pulaski 11.5018501.0200NSS News V57N10P308 1999-10
L 319Cueva del Viento-cueva del Sobrado Spain Canarias Island Tenerife Is. 11.50185001837.3560Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2-2020
- 320Complesso Mutera - Fantozzi Italy Piemonte Ormea 11.441840300Speleologia N68P102-103 2016-06
- 321ARGO Cave System Canada BC Vancouver Island 11.43184011332406Canada Long and Deep Caves Assembled by Pat Shaw 2022-08
- 322Rhar Bou Ma'za (Tafna River Cave) Algeria Terni Tlemcen range 11.431840000Atlas - Great Caves of the World 2017-06
UW323Beacon Woods - Waynes World System (School Sink) USAFlorida Pasco 11.3618288.5916048.77Die langsten Unterwasserhohlensysteme der welt, Oliver Knab 2016-06
- 324Igues de Goudou - Lacarriere France Lot Causse de Gramat 11.3618285413.4126Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 325Krem UmTHLOO-SYNRANG Labbit India Meghalaya Jaintia Hills 11.3318234616.8188Descent N275P15
Q 326Cueva del Saman Venezuela Edo Zulia Fundo las Pis. 11.311820000Franco Urbani 2017-06
- 327Luweng Jaran System Indonesia Java Timur Pacitan 11.3118200393.7120Caves of Malaysia 2017-06
- 328Duhlata (D(a)(ou)hklata) Bulgaria Pernik Vitoshaq 11.3118200229.770Caves of Bulgaria 2016-07
- 329Reseau de Malissard France Isere / Savoie Chartreuse 11.28181601361.5415Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 330Gouffre des Vitarelles France Occitanie/Lot/Gramat Gramat 11.2818156462.6141Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 331Pestera de la Izvorul Tausoare Romania Bistrita-Nasaud Mtii Rodnei 11.25181071512.5461Victor Ursu e-mal 2021-10
- 332Ambatoharanana Madagascar Ambilobe Ankarana 11.251810000Atlas - Great Caves of the world
- 333Cueva de Mairuelegorreta Spain Araba Gorbea 11.241808800Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2018-08
- 334Crumps Spring Cave USAKentucky Hart 11.201802514042.67Ronnie Harrison e-mail 2019-03
- 335Grotte de Gournier France Isere Vercors 11.19180002231680Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 336Goochland - Poplar Cave Complex USAKentucky Rockcastle 11.1817992.4700Kentucky Speleo-Fest Guidebook 2016-06
- 337Stefanova Slovakia Nizke Tatry Demanovske vrchy 11.1717981423.2129Pavel Herich e-mail 2016-07
- 338Predjamski sistem Slovenia - - 11.1517945551.2168Long Cave List 2019-09
- 339Sistema sima GESM - sima de la Luna Spain Malaga Tolox 11.15179403602.41098Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2022-03
Q 340Charles Brewer Cave System (Quartzite) Venezuela Bolivar Churi Tepui 11.0617800361110Venezuelan tepuis-their caves and biota 2018-02
- 341Peak/Speedwell System (part mine) United Kingdom England Derbyshire 2016-07
- 342Tanne aux Cochons - Tanne Froide France Savoie margeriaz 11.00176942700825Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 343Chu Yan (Xiniu) Dong China Guizhou An Long 10.94176001164.7355 2017-06
- 344Lazareva Cave Serbia Central Serbia Bor 10.8717501354.3108Robert Misic 2024-09
- 345Sistema de Partacua Spain Huesca Pirineos 10.83174272706.7825Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2018-08
- 346Grotta del Bue Marino Italy Sardinia Dorgali 10.811740000Speleologia N68P102-103 2016-06
- 347Aven du Sotch de la Tride France Aveyron Grands Causses 10.81174001122342Liste Drouin 2017-06
- 348Reseau du Rupt du Puits France Meuse Barrois 10.811740016450Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
L 349Kona Mala Cave USAHawaii Hawaii 10.7817341185.456.5 Tomislav Gracanin files 2014-01
- 350Portal-BoarHole System (Boartal) USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 10.7217252.17333101.5WVACS 2022-01
- 351Blowhole (Nichole's) Cave USATennessee Cannon 10.7117233.917252.43Derek Wolfe e-mail 2020-02
- 352Sima del Aire Spain Malaga Sierra de las Nieves 10.70172182362.2720Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2025-01
- 353Duobing Dong China Guizhou Xiuwen/Xifeng 10.691721000 2015-02
- 354Sistema la Verdilluenga Spain Asturias Picos de Europa 10.69171962969.2905Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2017-11
- 355Tham Chom Ong System Laos Xai Oudoaxay 10.661715000Eurospeleo Magazine N2P66 2009-07
- 356Conjunto Santa Rita Brazil Iraquara Bahia 10.591705000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 357Cueva Tonio - Cayueia Spain Cantabria Porracolina 10.57170051729527Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2019-09
- 358Neide - Muruk Cave Papua New Guinea New Britain Galowe Plateau 10.56170004127.31258Deep Cave List by Philippe Drouin
- 359Complesso Ispinigoli - S.Giovanni Su Anzu-Nurachi Italy Sardinia Dorgali 10.561700000Speleologia N68P102-103 2016-06
- 360Katalehkhor Cave Iran Zanjan - 10.561700000-
- 361Petroglyph Cave (part of the Caves Branch S.) Belize - - 10.561700000Tom Miller e-mail 2016-01
UW362Cenote Zapote Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 10.42167689228QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 363Aven de la Leicasse France Herault Grands Causses 10.27165301168356Jean-Yves Bigot 2016-01
- 364Lapa Doce ll Brazil Iraquara Bahia 10.251650000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 365James (Thousand Domes) Cave USAKentucky Edmonson 10.2516495.7800Glenn Merrill 1984-07
- 366Kolkina Dupka Bulgaria Sofia Balkan Mountains 10.24164711778.2542Wikipedia 2022-08
- 367Reseau de la Couze (Correze) France Correze Causse de Martel 10.2116426337.9103Thierry Apriland via Yvonne e-mail 2016-01
Q 368Sistema Roraima Sur Venezuela - - 10.1916400236.2722009 NSS/ICS Kerrville Texas
- 369Sustav Dulin ponor - Medvedica Croatia Hrvatska Ogulin 10.1916396272.383 2017-06
- 370Gruta do Padre Brazil Bahia Santana 10.181639000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 371Lapa São Vicente l Brazil Goias Sao Domingos 10.181639000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 372Pestera din Valea Rea Romania Bihor Mtii Bihor 10.16163571220.5372Victor Ursu e-mal 2022-03
- 373Silvertip Cave System USAMontana Flathead 10.1616350.94997.4304Jason Ballensky e-mail 2022-05
UW374Sistema Doggi Mexico Quintana Roo Felipe Carrillo Puerto 10.1316307.850.915.5QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 375Tham Kon Nam/Tham Hang Phung/Tham Luong Laos Boualapha Khammouane 10.131630016450Peter MacNab FB 2009-07
G376Sistema Kulogorskaya-Troya . Russia Arkhangelsk Pinega 10.101624859.118Karst and cave Pinega's - Victor Malkov, Evgeny Gurkalo 2017-06
- 377Blauhòhlensystem Germany Badem-Wurittenburg - 10.051618000Kurt Kohler e-mail 2016-12
378Kimble Pit CaveUSAWest Virginia Pendelton10.0316141.7428130.5GVKS(Germany Valley Karst Survey), WVASS2024-12
Q 379Ojos Cristal Cave System (Crystal Eyes) (Quartzite) Venezuela Bolivar Roraima Tepui 10.031614024073Venezuelan tepuis-their caves and biota
- 380Sarah Furnace (Porter's) Cave USAPennsylvania Clarion 10.0116.12216.4Bert Ashbrook e-mail 2025-01
- 381Vinegar Ridge (Buckingham Palace) Cave USAKentucky Hart 10.001609321164.31Ronnie Harrison e-mail 2019-03
- 382Hidden River Cave USAKentucky Hart 10.0015871.7600Dave West email2024-07
- 383Perkins Cave USAVirginia Washington 10.0016088.6130091.44Virginia Speleological Survey 2016-06
- 384Krubera (Voronja) Cave Georgia Abkhazia West Caucasus 9.98160587214.62199Web 2017-06
G385Aven Lacas France Occitanie - 9.97160511332406Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
L 386Pahoa Cave(s) (segmentation??) USAHawaii Hawaii 9.9416000.11149.9350.5Dr. Stephen Smith reports that this cave could be as short as about 2 miles long now, due to plugging and segmentation by the 2018 Kilauea 61g lava flows. 2016-05
- 387Dan yr Ogof United Kingdom Wales Powys 2016-01
- 388Complesso Cappa-18-Denver-Straldi Italy Piemonte Briga Alta 9.94160002559.1780Speleologia N68P102-103 2016-06
- 389Poulnagollum - Poulelva Ireland South Wales Co. Clare
UW390Luraville / Telford System USAFlorida Suwanee 9.9415991.647221.95Andy Higgie e-mail 2022-02
- 391Snail Shell Cave System USATennessee Rutherford 9.9315974.3514443.89Jeff Sims 1986-07
UW392Sistema PolomaBelizeAmbergris Caye9.8915916.4115.335.1Arielle Ginsberg email2023-11
- 393Dunbar Cave - Roy Woodard System (Saltpeter) USATennessee Montgomery 9.8515852.0411936.27Tony Groves e-mail 2016-09
UW394Entrada Caapechen (Cenote Manatee) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 9.721563891.928QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
G395Évent de Rognès France Occitanie - 9.691560091.9173Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 396Sullivan Cave USAIndiana Lawrence 9.6315501.210532Long cave list for Indiana, Indiana Cave Survey 2017-03
- 397Big Bone Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Van Buren 9.6315493.1522668.88John Smyre 1984-06
- 398Sistema de las Bernias Spain Burgos Lunada 9.6015469905.5276Jose Luis Membrado email2024-06
UW399Springs Cave, Jackson Blue USAFlorida Jackson 9.5915436100.130.5Ben Martinez e-mail 2018-04
- 400Cueva de la Cullalvera Spain Cantabria Ramales de la Victoria 9.5915433524.9160Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-07
- 401Leandras Cave USAArizona Coconino 9.5515364.41378115.21map at park Headquarters via Greg e-mail 2016-06
- 402Hang Vom Vietnam Quang Binh Phong Nha-Ke Bang 9.511531000Peter MacNab e-mail 2008-07
- 403Boqueirão Brazil Bahia Carinhanha 9.471524000As Maiores Cavernas Do Basil 2020-01
- 404Boybuloq (Boylok) Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Gissaro-Alay 9.451521246901430Primož Jakopin email2024-04
- 405Cueva de Alpazat Mexico Puebla - 9.451520000 2016-01
- 406Kacna Cave (System) Slovenia Divaski Karst - 9.4315181918.6280Longest & Deepest Caves of Slovenia 2016-09
- 407Tham Xe Bang Fai Laos Khammouane Thakhek 9.431518000Caves of Malaysia 2009-07
- 408Sof Omar Holluca Ethiopia Bale Ityopya 9.381510049.215Atlas - Great Caves of the World
- 409Megamania Cave New Zealand South Island Heaphy Valley 9.331500700Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2022-08
- 410Complesso Omber en Banda al Bus del Zel-791 Italy Lombardia Cariadeghe 9.32150001410.8430http://www.Class.del.g.piulunghe/profon.d'Italia 2017-06
- 411Gratta Su Bentu - Sa Oche Italy Sardinia Nuoro 9.321500000http://www.Class.del.g.piulunghe/profon.d'Italia 2017-06
-412Grotte de la Cigalere France Ariege Pyrenees 9.3215000748228Philippe Audra (Spelunca N66) 2017-06
- 413Sistema Constantino Cuba Pinar del Rio - 9.321500000WLCL
- 414Ozto J2 Mexico Oaxaca Cuicatlan 9.22148404032.21229Mark Minton e-mail 2016-01
- 415Kimble Pit USAWest Virginia Pendleton 9.2214838.15427130.14Corey Hackley e-mail 2021-11
- 416Cueva del Lobo Spain Cantabria - 9.1814780931.8284Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2016-01
UW417Sistema Dos Pisos Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 9.171475680.124.4QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 418Ludingtons Cave USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 9.1414709.425076.2Joseph Caldwell l 2016-01
- 419Diros Cave Greece Peloponnese Laconia 9.1314700196.960Panagiotis Papadakos email2024-10
420Hochscharten-HöhlensystemAustria Hoher GöllSalzburg9.11146684573.51394Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 421Wyandotte Cave USAIndiana Crawford 9.1014645.0325678.03Long cave list for Indiana, Indiana Cave Survey 2017-03
- 422Rice Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Van Buren 9.101464521064.01Tenn.Cave Survey 2021-10
- 423Complejo Piscarciano-Vacas-Arenas Spain Burgos Haz de Arreba 9.101464200Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-02
UW424Cova de sa Gleda - Camp des Pou. Spain Balearics Manacor 9.08146208225Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-03
- 425Systeme de Sauvas-Cocaliere France Ardeche Bas-Vivarais 9.011450029289Jean-Yves Bigot 2016-01
- 426Skydusky Hollow Cave System (Newberry - Bane - Buddy Penley Cave) USAVirginia Bland 9.0014484.1380115.82Ed Devine 2021-11
UW427Pozo Azul Spain Burgos Covanera 8.9614415232.971Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-03
- 428Dry Cave USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 8.9514403.6331495.71Socky 2022-11
- 429Duncan Field System USAOklahoma Adair 8.9214355.3512437.8Keith (Andy) Harris e-mail 2017-04
- 430Punta Pena System (Cueva de la Lastrilla, Cubilla, Jabali) Spain Cantabria Castro Urdiales 8.9014317797.2243Pedro Antonio Diaz Hoz e-mail 2022-01
- 431Falls Cave USAArizona Coconino 8.8714271258.378.7Paul Burger2023-02
UW432Sistema Murena - Aak Kimin Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 8.8714268.6225.168.6QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 433Fuchslabyrinth Germany Badem-Wurittenburg - 8.861426100Andreas Wolf List of Longest Caves in Germany 2016-12
- 434Synrang Pamiang India Meghalaya - 8.80141571040317BCRA I12P16
435Tonion-HöhlensystemAustria TonionSteiermark8.79141401902.9580Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 436Slaughter Stream Cave United Kingdom South Wales Forest of Dean 8.7014000328.1100Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 437Complejo Gesarribe Spain Guipuzkoa Oñati 8.701400000Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-02
- 438Apocalypse Pothole South Africa Western Transvaal Carletonville 8.7014000278.985Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 439gruta de Almonda Portugal - - 8.701400000Eric Madelanine list 2016-01
- 440Labassa Italy - - 8.70140001988.2606Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 441Tapolcai-Barlangrendszer Hungary - - 2017-06
- 442K2, Hohgant Switzerland Bern Habkern 8.70139962431.1741 2009-07
- 443Webster Cave Complex USAKentucky Breckenridge 8.6813972.3200Ben Tobin WCCSG e-mail 2016-06
-444Rèseau de la Grotte des Chamois France Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes du Sud 8.64139000390Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
445AltherrenlabyrinthAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg8.62138761295.9395Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 446Cassell Cave System USAWest Virginia Pocohontas 8.6213872.5514042.67Gangsta Mappers 2017-10
- 447Thompson Valley Cave System (Corkscrew Cave) USAVirginia Tazewell 8.6013841603.7184VSS 2019-11
- 448Yorkshire Pot Canada AB/BC Rockies 8.58138121276.2389Canada Long and Deep Caves Assembled by Pat Shaw 2022-08
- 449Tham Phra Wang Daeng Thailand Phitsanulok Noen Maprang 8.5713789429.8131Martin Ellis e-mail 2023-03
- 450AIXA-Ibarrengo Spain Guipuzkoa Itziar 8.551375400Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-02
-451Rèseau d'Ardengost France Occitanie Pyrenees 8.53137200440Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 452Anjohy Kibojenjy Madagascar Bemaraha Bekopaka 8.521371700Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Africa Part 1 P164 2009-07
- 453HH Cave (Honeycomb Hill) New Zealand South Island Mt Arthur 8.52137122365.5721Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2016-01
- 454Acme Quarry Cave System USAWest Virginia Greenbrier 8.4513600.5724173.46Ron Fulcher e-mail 2016-07
-455Torca de la Llana de LenSpain CantabriaPorracolina8.45136032047.2624Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-04
- 456Tham Lom-Tham Nam System Thailand Chiang Mai Chiang Dao 8.4113541577.4176Martin Ellis e-mail 2016-09
- 457Sistema del Alto Bueras Spain Cantabria Bueras Voto 8.4013515433.1132Pedro Antonio Diaz Hoz e-mail 2022-01
C 458Cova Cuberes (Conglomerate) Spain Catalonia Pallars Jussa 8.40135131076.1328Jordi Lloret-Prieto e-mail 2016-03
- 459Complesso di Conca delle Carsene Italy - - 2017-04
UW460Sistema Camilo Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 8.35134428225QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 461Orlova Chouka (Eagle Hammer) Bulgaria Ruse Danubian Plane 8.351343739.412Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 462Tham Thon-Tham Houey Sam Boun Laos Khammouane Thakhek 8.271330900Caves of Malaysia
UW463Sistema Nohoch Sac Tatich Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 8.241326646.914.3QRSS Long Caves List 2021-01
- 464Cueva de el Tobazo Spain Cantabria Valderredible 8.241325600Pepe Membrado e-mail 2025-01
- 465Hudgill Burn Mine Caverns (part mine) United Kingdom - Northern Dales 2021-05
UW466Sistema Sac Kai (Paachi Nah) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 8.21132095115.5QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 467Sysème souterrain de I'Hyder France Occitanie - 8.20132001981.6604Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 468Corra-Lynn Australia - - 8.2013200124.738Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 469Bowman's Pit - Skert Well USAKentucky Wayne 8.2013196.6222668.88Lee Florea e-mail 2019-07
C 470Longmen Dong (Conglomerate) China Sichuan Yaan 2017-04
- 471Cuyler Cave USATennessee Sevier 8.1613132.2530091.44Steve Pierce 1986-07
- 472Gutschtobelhöhle Switzerland Muotathal SZ 8.14130962063.6629Eric Madelanine list 2009-07
- 473Sistema Yaxchen East Mexico - - 8.131309000Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 474Špiljski sustav Panjkov ponor - Muškinja - Varicakova Croatia Nova Kršija Kurdun 8.111305200Aida Barišic e-mail 2022-06
- 475Wolf River (Jaguar) Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Fentress 8.1013042.1222167.36Kristen Bobo e-mail 2016-10
-476Blanchard Springs Cave USAArkansas Stone 8.1013035.6989.927.4Dave Bunnell 2001-05
- 477Climax Cave USAGeorgia Decatur 8.1013035.698024.38Map 2016-05
- 478Sistema de Pozalaqgua Spain Burgos/Araba Sierra Salvada 8.101303600Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-02
- 479Herbstlabyrinth-Adventhöhle-system Germany Hesse - 8.0813010301.892Andreas Wolf List of Longest Caves in Germany
- 480Festival'naya-Ledopadnaya (Dark Star) Uzbekistan - - 8.08130003080.7939Olaf Kähler e-mail 2018-02
- 481Sistema de Joblegòn Spain Cantabria Reocin 8.081300000Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-02
- 482Okshola-Kristihola Norway - Fauske 8.081300000David stPierre 2016-06
- 483Cueva del Rio La Venta Mexico - - 8.08130001410.8430Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 484Complesso (Sotterranceo) del Col Delle Erbe Italy Friuli VG Canin Massif 8.08130003067.6935http://www.Class.del.g.piulunghe/profon.d'Italia 2017-06
- 485Aven de la Combe Rajeau France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 8.0813000820.2250Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
-486Gouffre Mirolda / Lucien Bouclier France Haute Savoie Samoens 8.08130005685.71733Philippe Audra (Spelunca N66) 2017-06
-487Tanne des Pra d'Zeures T075 France Haute Savoie Tournette 8.081300037661148Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 488Rèseau Trou qui Fume - Grotte des Duffaits France Nouvelle-Aquitaine - 8.0813000131.240Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 489Cueva del Carcabon Spain Cantabria Sierra de Homijo 8.071299200Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2022-08
- 490Powder Mill Creek Cave USAMissouri Shannon 8.0512950.3910331.39M.S.S. Baker 2015-02
- 491Rèseau Median du clos d'Aspres France - - 8.05129502345.8715Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 492Sistema Cueva'l Trumbiu - Pozu Haciosu Spain Asturias Picos de Europa 8.02129031013.8302Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-04
493Hölloch im MahdtalAustria Allgäuer AlpenD(Bayern)/Vorarlberg8.02129001482.9452Lukas Plan email2024-06
UW494Sistema Pandora Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 8.011289174.122.6QRSS Long Caves List 2021-01
- 495Rèseau Camelot France Nouvelle-Aquitaine - 7.9212750147.645Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 496Weymer Cave System Canada 7.92127391213.9370Pat Shaw e-mail 2022-02
- 497Tham Mae Lana Thailand Mae Hong Son Pang Ma Pha 7.9012720492.1150Caves of Malaysia 2015-02
- 498Unthanks Cave USAVirginia Lee 7.9012713.8221164.312009 NSS/ICS Kerrville Texas 2016-07
- 499Sistema Torca de los Morteros - Cueva de ImumiaSpain Burgos Espinosa de los Monteros 7.90127051486.2453Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2023-04
- 500Grassy Cove Saltpetre Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Cumberland 7.8912702.55367111.86Deep Caves of TAG, John Stembel 2016-10
- 501Veryovkina Georgia Abkhazia Arabika massive 7.89127007257.22212FB
502Legarices System (Argirocastro-Permet)AlbaniaArgirocastroPermet7.8912700380.58116Benassi A. (2024): Lengarices 2023. Inseguendo il soffio del Drago (Albania), Speleologia SSI, n°89, pp.4-62024-10
UW503Old Bellamy (Derekson)(Santa Fe River Rise) Cave Sys. USAFlorida Alachua 7.8712657.4916048.77Die langsten Unterwasserhohlensysteme der welt, Oliver Knab 2016-06
- 504Great EX(pectations) Cave USAWyoming Washakie 7.8512639.791408429.16NSS News V44N6 (Peter Shifflett) 1986-06
- 505Lee Cave USAKentucky Edmonson 7.8212580.2400CRF 1987-08
- 506Overholts Blowing Cave USAWest Virginia Pocahontas 7.8112570.59666203Gary Storrick 2016-01
- 507Whistling Cave USAIndiana Lawrence 7.8112568.9800Long cave list for Indiana, Indiana Cave Survey 2017-03
- 508Camps Gulf Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Van Buren 7.8112564.15368112.17Deep Caves of TAG, John Stembel 2016-10
- 509Complesso del Monte Tambura Italy Toscana Alpi Apuane 7.77125003307.11008Ettore Callegari e-mail; 2016-03
- 510Combe des Bioles - Tanne des Squelettes France Savoie Bauges 7.77125001847.1563Philippe Audra (Spelunca N66) 2017-06
511WildbaderhöhleAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark7.76124963612.21101Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 512Stompbottom Cave USAVirginia Tazewell 7.7312440.2331997.23VSS Long Cave List 2015-02
UW513Rèseau Lot du Bois - Source du pissieux France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 7.7212416607185Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 514Pàl-Völgy Hungary - - 7.7112400341.2104Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
G515Grotte du Banquier France Occitanie - 7.7112400492.1150Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
UW516Madison Blue Spring USAFlorida Madison 7.677774.7414042.67Mat Hansen, FB2022-12
- 517Sistemul Zapodie - Pestera Neagra Romania Bihor Mtii Bihor 7.6612320587.3179Liviu Valenas e-mail
- 518Mactingol Cave Philippines Samar Island - 7.641230000Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P211 2021-10
- 519Rudickê propadani Czech Rep. - - 7.6412300590.6180Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 520Renejevo brezno - P4 Slovenia Julian Alps Kaninski podi 7.64122964337.31322Long Cave List 2020-08
- 521Cuves de Sassenage France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 7.64122951515.7462Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 522Blue Water Cave Philippines Baggao Cagayan 7.6312276869.4265Henry Bennett e-mail 2022-08
- 523Gua Salukkan Kallang Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Kappang 7.621226000Caves of Malaysia 2017-06
- 524Atlixicaya Mexico - - 7.581220000Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 525Gardner's Gut New Zealand South Island Waitomo 7.581219700Eric Madelanine list 2016-01
- 526Haws Spring Cave USATennessee Cannon 7.5812192.3915045.72TCS 1996-01
527LofererschachtAustria Loferer SteinbergeSalzburg7.53121262644.4806Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 528Sistema del Jou la Canal Parda - Canaiòn de los Desvios Spain Asturias Picos de Europa 7.53121193136.5956Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2020-08
529Yum KaaxMexico Quintana RooAkumal7.521210765.620Jan Sirotek email2024-01
- 530Neuenburgerhöhle Switzerland Frluhli LU 7.5112086711.9217List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2009-07
- 531Long Hollow (Dyke's/Mud-&-Slime) Cave System USAKentucky Pulaski 7.5012065.2523571.63Mark Turner e-mail 1998-11
- 532Sniezna Studnia Poland - Tatra Mountains 7.49120502503.3763Polish Caving 2005-2020 09 2021-02
- 533Andriafiabe Madagascar Ambilobe Ankarana 7.481203000Eric Madelanine list
- 534St.Beatus-Höhlen Switzerland Beatenberg BE 7.47120151158.1353List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2022-03
- 535Sistema Chango Mistico Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 7.461200600QRSS Long Caves List 2021-05
- 536Helictite Cave USAVirginia Highland 7.4612002205.662.67Nathan Farrar e-mail 2018-01
537Windlöcher-KlingertalschachtAustria UntersbergSalzburg7.46120001348.4411Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 538Pinargozü Magarasi Turkey Isparta Yenisarbademli 7.46120002165.4660Caves and Caving I72 2020-11
- 539Cueva Pitch Mexico - - 7.461200000Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 540Tham Phi Xua Laos Khammouane Thakhek 7.46120001525.6465Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P113
- 541Tham Lo Laos Khammouane Thakhek 7.4612000328.1100Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P113 2017-06
- 542Grotta della Mottera Italy - - 7.46120002034.1620Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
- 543Rèseau de Lavayssiere France - - 7.461200000Eric Madelanine list 2006-07
G544Grotte de Malaval France Occitanie - 7.4612000777.6237Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
G545Grotte de Fontrabiouse France Occitanie - 7.4612000196.960Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 546Igue de la Vayssière France Occitanie - 7.46120008225Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 547Pixan Bel Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 7.391189900QRSS Long Caves List 2021-05
- 548Labyrinthe d'Antsarahaso Madagascar Andraafiamena Analamera 7.381187900Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Africa Part 1
- 549Mala Boka - BC4 System Slovenia Julian Alps Bovska Kotlina 7.38118754327.41319Marko Erker e-mail 2016-08
- 550Sistema Atepetaco (Miquizco + Viento + Mama Mia) Mexico Puebla - 7.381187600 2019-03
UW551Lineater (Stevenson Spring) USAFlorida Hamilton 7.3611851174.953.3Andy Pitkin FB 2022-01
- 552Sistema del Risco Spain Cantabria Matienzo 7.361184031596Juan Corrin e-mail 2023-01
- 553Grayson Gunnar Cave USAKentucky Wayne 7.3211785.2318054.86Harry Goepel FB 2022-09
- 554Bilemot Kul South Korea Cheju Island - 7.3011749803.8245On Lava Caves in Japan and Vivinity 2016-08
- 555Lungib Can-Yawa Philippines Samar Island Calbiga 7.2711700374114Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P211 2022-08
- 556Rèseau Christian - Gathier France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 7.27117001072.8327Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 557Pestera Sura Mare Romania Hnedoara Mtii Sebesului 7.27116941394.4425Romania-Natural 2022-08
- 558Paxtons Cave USAVirginia Alleghany 7.2611683.847121.64VSS Long Cave List 2015-02
- 559Snail Shell Cave Malaysia Sarawak Gunung Buda 7.23116361551.8473-
- 560Lisanby Cave USAKentucky Caldwell 7.2211619.4600Mike Dyas 1989-06
- 561Sistema Rotablin Spain Cantabria Reocin 7.211159600Pepe Membrado e-mail 2022-07
UW562Peacock Cave I-II System USAFlorida Suwanee 7.2011587.2821064.01Richard Blackburn e-mail 2016-06
- 563Basanberroko Ziloa Spain Nafarroa Koroa 7.1911565810.4247Pepe Membrado e-mail 2022-07
UW564Cueva Quebrada Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 7.1811555.330.89.4QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 565Farmers System - 1 USAKentucky Pulaski 7.1811553.4820261.57Darrell Adkins e-mail 2016-01
-566Sistema CoronaMexico Tamaulipas Villa Hidalgo 7.1611529489149Peter Sprouse email2023-01
- 567Grotte du TM 71 France Occitanie - 7.1511508449.5137Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 568Marble Arch - Upper Cradle - Lower Cradle - Prod's Pot - Cascades Rising United Kingdom - Co.Fermanagh 2021-05
- 569Complejo de los Covachos de Peñajorao Spain Cantabria Camargo 7.151150000Pepe Membrado e-mail 2022-07
- 570Behiako Leizea France Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrenees 7.15115001955.4596Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
571Höhle beim SpannagelhausAustria Zillertaler AlpenTirol7.15115001079.4329Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 572Blackfathom River Cave System USAMissouri Ste.Genevieve 7.1437712.6213.2865Chad McCain e-mail 2024-01
L 573Aven des Baoudillouns France Alpes-Côte d'Azur - 7.09114161558.4475Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 574McFail's Cave USANew York Schoharie 7.0911411.8629589.92Simeon Warner e-mail 2016-08
- 575Cyclops Cave USAVirginia Russell 7.0811394.16424129.24J.Christie e-mail 2016-06
UW576Sistema MOAC Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 7.0711369.345.914QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 577Hölloch Germany Bavaria - 7.05113461482.9452Andreas Wolf List of Longest Caves in Germany
- 578Zarathustra Cave (Saltpeter) USATennessee Fentress 7.0311313.696018.29Bill Dean 1986-07
- 579Tham Ban Chom Ong Laos - Oudoaxay 7.021130000
UW580Manantial del Toro Dominican Republic La Altagracia Boca de Yuma 7.001127062.319Olivier Testa e-mail 2020-03
- 581Devils Icebox USAMissouri Boone 6.9911249.300Jeff Crews Email2024-07
- 582Bohemia Cave New Zealand South Island Mt Owen 6.98112302339.2713Lindsay Main NZ Speleological Soc. Info Officer 2016-01
- 583Système Pinet - Brouillard France Alpes-Côte d'Azur - 6.94111751663.4507Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 584Gouffre de Pourpevelle France Bourgogne-Franche-Com - 6.9411169347.8106Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
UW585Sistema Cupul Ha (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.9311152.445.914QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 586A2, Loubenegg Switzerland Beatenberg BE 6.93111482253.9687List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2022-03
587Stang-Rotwandl-SystemAustria Steinernes MeerSalzburg6.9311147659.4201Lukas Plan email2024-06
UW588Sistema Chac Mol (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.901110892.828.3QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 589Sistema del Alba Spain Huesca Pirineos 6.90110971752534Pepe Membrado e-mail 2023-04
- 590Aven de Rogues France Occitanie - 6.8911091830.1253Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
-591Mira de Aire Portugal 6.841100000 1999-01
- 592Khabjui Georgia - - 6.841100000
- 593Tskhogorskaja 1-2-Troja, NRP Georgia - - 6.8411000002016-01
- 594Rèseau de la Tète des Verds France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 6.84110002519.7768Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 595Scialet Candy France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 6.84110001830.7558Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 596Grotte des Eaux Chaudes France Pyrenees-Atlantiques Pic de Ger 6.84110002657810Jean-Yves Bigot 2016-01
- 597Chinn Springs Cave USAArkansas Indpendence 6.8310991.8225276.81Jeff Bartlett e-mail 2016-03
- 598Sistema San Andres Mexico Puebla Ocotempa 6.83109881555.1474 2019-12
- 599Fallenfluh-Höhlenstem (Lauiloch, Dreckiges Paradies) Switzerland Muotatal SC 6.83109851522.3464List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2022-03
- 600Tham Luang Nang Non Thailand Chiang Rai Mae Sai 6.8210982239.573Martin Ellis e-mail 2023-03
- 601Sistema del Circo de Armena Spain Huesca Pirineos 6.81109602034.1620Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
- 602Da Dong China Hubei Wufeng 2017-04
UW603Weeki Wachee Spring USAFlorida Hernando 6.7910930407124.05Andrew Pitkin e-mail 2019-10
604SüdwandhöhleAustria DachsteinStmk/OÖ6.78109041669.9509Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 605Sistema Quijada de Jaguar (Jaguar Jaw) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.771090000QRSS Long Caves List 2021-05
UW606Gouffre du Petit Saint Cassien France Alpes-Côte d'Azur - 6.75108651322.2403Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
-607Trou Souffleur France Alpes-Côte d'Azur - 6.74108533021.7921Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 608Breathing Cave USAVirginia Bath 6.7410847406.8124Gangsta Mappers 2018-01
- 609Cueva de la Mano Mexico Oaxaca - 6.741084100 2019-03
-610Grotta Beppe BessoneItalyPiemonteMonte Zucco6.7410839403123
611LurgrotteAustria Grazer BerglandSteiermark6.7310833849.7259Lukas Plan email2024-06
UW612M2 Blue USAFlorida 6.721082216450Andy Pitkin FB 2022-01
- 613Ambatoanjahana Madagascar Ambilobe Ankarana 6.721081000Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Africa Part 1 2017-06
L 614Hue Hue (Manini Owali) Cave USAHawaii Hawaii 6.7110800.31623494.7Stephan Kempe 1999-10
- 615Poloska jama Slovenia Zaledje Tolminke - 6.71108002309.7704List of Slovenia's Longest & Deepest 2016-05
G616Trou du Vent France Nouvelle-Aquitaine - 6.7110800341.2104Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
CT 617Mullamullang Cave (Chalk) Australia Western Australia Nullarbur Plain 6.7110800439.6134Atlas Great Caves of the World 2017-06
- 618Pestera Polovragi Romania Muntii Capatanii - 6.711079300Romania-Natural 2022-08
619Offenbarungs-EishöhleAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg6.70107851482.9452Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 620Simmons Mingo - My Cave System USAWest Virginia Rand./Pocahon. 6.7010782.6683208.18Bob Thrun 1982-06
- 621Rede de Cerveriz Spain Asturias Somiedo 6.68107501102.4336Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
- 622Sherfield's Cave USAArkansas Newton 6.6610718.235817.68Doug Robertson 1992-06
623Warwas-Glatzen-HöhlensystemAustria KräuterinSteiermark6.65107022509.8765Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 624Sistema Hitu - Cueva Culiembru Spain Asturias Picos de Europa 6.651070041471264Depth from Phil Rowsell's calculations from the survey data. 2016-01
- 625Grotte de Han-sur-Lesse Belgium Namur - 2017-06
- 626Complejo Hundidero - Gato Spain Malaga Sierra de Libar 6.6310670695.5212Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
627KarrenschachtAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark6.61106401332.0406Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 628Vorontsovskaja, WC Russia - - 6.611064000Caves and Caving I59P34S 2017-06
- 629Paul Penley Cave USAVirginia Bland 6.6010621.67346105.46Virginia Speleological Survey 2016-05
- 630Tham Yai Nam Nao Thailand Phetchabun Nam Nao 6.5910597357.6109Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P259 2017-06
- 631Munizaba Croatia Juzni Velebit Crnopac 6.55105381673.2510Aida Bariši? email2024-12
- 632Perry Water Cave USATexas Real 6.551053597.429.7Texas Speleological Survey via Jerry Atkinson e-mail 2022-01
- 633Grotte de Milandre Switzerland Bencourt JU 6.5410520442.9135List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2022-03
- 634Doolin Cave United Kingdom - Co. Clare 2021-05
- 635Mossdale Caverns United Kingdom - Northern Dales 2021-05
- 636Grotte du Garrel France Occitanie - 6.52105001003.9306Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 637Yagodinska Cave Bulgaria Yagodina Rhodope Mountains 6.521050000Wikipedia 2022-08
638Grubstein-WestwandhöhleAustria Totes GebirgeSteiermark6.52104851299.2396Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 639Antsatrabonko Madagascar Ambilobe Ankarana 6.511047500Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Africa Part 1 2017-06
UW640Sistema El Puente Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.5110473.8295.990.2QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 641Lost River Cave System USAKentucky Warren 6.5010462.3500Green River Review - Ref. J.Wells 1986-12
- 642New River Cave USAVirginia Giles 6.4910441.96359109.42Dave West email2024-07
643MaarasGreece MacedoniaDrama6.4810441232.971Panagiotis Papadakos email2024-10
- 644Lachenstock-Höhlensystem Switzerland Innerthal SZ 6.4710413876267List of Swiss Long k& Deep Caves 2022-03
- 645Tanne de Chavanu France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 6.47104132171.9662Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
G646Spipola-AquafreddaItaly - - 6.4610400360.9110Alexander Klimchouk Longest Gypsum caves of the world 2016-06
-647Leang Assuloang Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Maros 6.4610400321.598Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia P58 2017-06
- 648Complejo Urallaga Spain Bizkaia Montes de Triano 6.4610395387.1118Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
- 649Hick's Cave USANew Mexico Eddy 6.4410364.1827784.43Ellen Trautner e-mail 2022-07
- 650Actun Káua Mexico Yucatán - 6.441036000 2019-03
- 651Clarks Cave USAVirginia Bath 6.4310354.5200Virginia Speleological Survey 1994-08
- 652Gouffre du Bracas de Thurugne 6 (Reseau de Soudet) France Atlantiques Pierre Saint Martin 6.431034038391188Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
653SchneelochAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg6.41103193612.21101Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 654Sistema la Vieya - Los Quesos Spain Asturias Picos de Europa 6.4010300206.763Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
- 655Fallen Rock Cave USAVirginia Tazewell 6.3910280.4900Virginia Speleological Survey 2016-06
- 656Abime de Bramabiau France Occitanie - 6.3610240285.487Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 657Sistema del Ojancano - Anjana Spain Canabria Miera 6.3510225656.2200Jose Luis Membrado e-mail 2021-05
658Jack Daniel's HöhleAustria TennengebirgeSalzburg6.35102182454.1748Lukas Plan email2024-06
- 659Grutas de Rancho Nuevo (San Cristobal) Mexico Chiapas - 6.351021800 2019-03
- 660Cueva del Arroyo Grande Mexico Chiapas - 6.341020700 2019-03
- 661Grotte de Trabuc France Bourgogne-Franche-Com - 6.3410206131.240Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 662Reinvikgrotta Norway - Sorfold 6.341020000David stPierre 2016-01
S 663Mearat Malcham Israel Mt. Sedom 6.3410200442.9135Yual Sobolyev FB 2019-07
- 664Grotte de Baume Layrou France Occitanie - 6.3310190692.3211Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 665Grotte Roche Chalve - Trou du Coeur France Occitanie - 6.3110160531.5162Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 666Grotte du Grand Antoine France Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - 6.31101541509.2460Liste des cavites naturelles les plus longues de France 2022-06
- 667Blissits Cave USAKentucky Breckenridge 6.3110150.1300Ft. Knox Grotto/Lowcrawler Newsletter 1985-11
- 668Pestera Cornilor Romania Muntii Padurea Craiului - 6.301014000Romania-Natural 2022-08
- 669Jashchik Pandora, ESB Russia - - 6.281010000Caves and Caving I59P34S 2017-06
UW670Sistema Taj Mahal (Underwater+Dry) Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.271009498.129.9QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
- 671Spider Cave (C.C.N.P.) USANew Mexico Eddy 6.2710091.3138.142.1Paul Burger2024-02
G672D.C. Jester Cave SystemUSAOklahoma Greer 6.25100653510.7Sue Bozeman 1988-03
- 673Little Brush Creek Cave USAUtah Uintah 6.2510058.4858202Matt Paulson FB 2022-07
UW674Sistema Muul Three Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.2510052.96319.2QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07
UW675Sistema Muul Three Mexico Quintana Roo Tulum 6.2510052.96319.2QRSS Long Caves List 2019-07

The Online Guide to Cave Exploring